Prizren days - Belgrade
"Заборав је исто што и да се није десило, да није постојало, да се није негде било и живело и да се тамо неће живети!”
Association "Sveti spas", co-organized the event PRIZREN DAYS at the end of December 2010, presented to the interested visitors parts of its rich video and photo archive of current developments in Prizren, .
Дани Призрена
The promotion of book - "Prizren zenica oka moga " by Milka Gazilkovic
(See the book - PDF file, size 3,72 MB)
List of specialized media outlets for IDPs from Kosovo
...TV programmes Radio programmes Publications...

This list was compiled by the Communities’ Outreach and Communication Group (COCG) located in Prishtinë/Priština. Its purpose is to enable IDPs from Kosovo to have better access to information addressing their concerns. This list is a start, which we hope to supplement with more information and re-publish in a more comprehensive version later on. As well, please note that the information has been checked with contact-persons, however if you notice some mistakes, please let us know.

Choose a language of the bulletin with the list of specialized media outlets
(PDF file, size = 15 KB)
The promotion of book "Prizren and its Neighbourhood 1019-1945"
See the photos
The promotion of book "Prizren and its Neighbourhood 1019-1945", by the author professor Dr. Mihajlo Čemerikić was held on January 15th 2004, at the Belgrade Library. The Association of citizens of Prizren "Sima Andrejević Igumanov" and the publishing house "Prvo slovo" ltd in cooperation with humanitarian organization "Sveti Spas", and "Kolo sprskih sestara" from Prizren organized it.